1. Introduction - 2pm - 2:15pm

    Introduction by iReMMO and Sana’a Center representatives.

    Panel 1 - 2:15pm - 4pm
    The Situation on the Ground 

    Four years of conflict-related collapse have left more than 22 million people in need of humanitarian assistance, while multiple foreign-backed armed groups struggle for power on the ground. This panel will provide background context and updates on recent political, security, economic and humanitarian developments in Yemen.

    Maged Al-Madhaghi, executive director and a co-founder of the Sana’a Center for Strategic Studies.
    Franck Mermier, anthropologist, research officer at CNRS.
    Claire Ha Duong, Médecins Sans Frontières France.
    Chair : Andrea Carboni, research analyst with ACLED.

    Panel 2 - 4:15pm - 6pm
    "The State of Peace”: International and Local Peace Initiatives Amid Challenges

    In December 2018 the UN-led peace consultations between the Yemeni government and the Houthi movement led to the Stockholm Agreement. Initially seen as a breakthrough, today most aspects of the deal remain unimplemented. This panel will discuss why, and assess other local and international peace initiatives.

    Alia Eshaq, Yemeni political analyst, entrepreneur and consultant.
    Osamah Al-Rawhani, deputy executive director of the Sana’a Center.
    Khaled Al-Khaled, researcher on contemporary Yemen.
    Chair: Clément Therme, researcher at International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS).


  2. Plan d'accès
  1. After the ?Breakthrough?: Any hope for peace in Yemen?

    This conference, that will exceptionally take place in English, is co-organized with Sana’a Center for Strategic Studiesan independent think-tank that seeks to foster change through knowledge production with a focus on Yemen and the surrounding region. 

    Cette rencontre, qui se tiendra exceptionnellement en anglais, est co-organisée avec le Sana’a Center for Strategic Studies, un think tank indépendant qui fournit une expertise sur le Yémen et sur les pays voisins.
    1. Terminé
  2. Date et heure
    1. vendredi 24 mai 2019 à 14:00
    2. L'activité est close !
  3. Organisateur
  4. Informations pratiques

    Friday 24, May 2019

    2pm - 6pm

    Free entry 

  5. Partager